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Breathing New Life Into Bristol

Redemption Church was founded in 2009 with the simple hope of breathing new life into Bristol Borough, PA.  While nearly everything else has changed since then, that simple vision has stayed the same - to help a weary world see the amazing love of God already working in their midst.  We do this in word and deed, building community endeavors, caring for the poor, and preaching the good news of Christ.


The Mission to Be and Make Disciples

Our goal is not to grow a church, but to be the body of Christ, to be good news in ourselves, and to invite others into the new life of Christ.  As such, our mission is to be and make disciples of Jesus in Bristol, Bucks County, Philadelphia, and the world. Scripture calls us to be the aroma of Christ and our goal is to learn how to stink like Jesus wherever we go.  


Sinners and Skeptics

We know we don’t do this in our own strength, but stand in awe of the God who is making all things new.  We are a community of sinners and skeptics, longing for the redemption of God. We are not a community for those who have it all together; we are a community for (and of) the poor, the sick, the doubters and dreamers, and the lost sheep who God longs to find, rejoice over, and carry home.  If this sounds like you, we invite you to come take part.


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© 2025 by Redemption Church of Bristol. All rights reserved. 

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